The Housing Chronicles Blog: San Francisco South Bay economic conference tomorrow, October 16th

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

San Francisco South Bay economic conference tomorrow, October 16th

Tomorrow is the second of four economic conferences in San Jose produced by the unusually objective Beacon Economics (meaning no spin at these events!). Space is limited though, so if you want to go be sure to pre-register here or click on the link on the upper right-hand side of this blog.

This event will focus on the South Bay region of the San Francisco East Bay (i.e., Silicon Valley). MetroIntelligence Real Estate Advisors is participating in this event as a sponsor, including writing the real estate section for the conference books.

Want to learn more and attend? Read on:

Where do some of California's most renowned and straight-talking economists think local, state, and national economies are headed in 2009?

The South Bay: Technology is booming, but can it offset housing and consumer blues...

  • Will coastal areas dodge the housing bullet?
  • Are woes in the residential housing market spilling over into the retail and office sectors?.
  • How will local government handle revenue shortages?

The State: California hit harder than the nation as a whole...

  • Do the harder hits imply a quicker recovery?
  • Will the Federal housing bill do anything to stabilize California's residential markets?

California's Budget Blues: Is reform possible? A special discussion with California Forward

  • Critical mass: Has the time come to change the state budget process?
  • What should be included in a budget reform agenda?

The Nation: Recovery, continued doldrums, or worse yet to come...

  • Wall Street wreckage: what does it mean for the broader economy?
  • Is the inflation boogie man really about to jump out of the closet?
  • Has the Fed avoided a major banking sector collapse?

Featured Speakers

Jon Haveman
Founding Principal
Beacon Economics

Christopher Thornberg
Founding Principal
Beacon Economics

Sean Randolph
Bay Area Council Economic Institute

California's Budget Blues: Special Panel on Fiscal Reform

Lawrence Stone
County Assessor
County of Santa Clara

Chuck Reed
City of San Jose

Fred Silva (moderator)
Fiscal Affairs Advisor
Beacon Economics

Beacon Economics is pleased to announce that it has joined forces with the Bay Area Council Economic Institute (BACEI) in hosting its 2nd annual South Bay Economic Forecast Conference. Beacon’s track-record of truth-seeking economic analysis and the Bay Area Council’s reputation as the voice for Bay Area business promise a candid, thought-provoking, and revealing discussion. The event is already generating a buzz, and seating is limited. So reserve today!

Attendees also receive Beacon's new 2008 South Bay Economic Forecast Book. This original, in-depth look at the region’s labor markets, income, real estate markets, demographic trends, and other indicators, is a valuable and enduring resource for anyone facing important economic and financial decisions over the next year.
Click here to register.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's definitely very interesting times in consideration of our housing markets, our economy, and the impact of globalization.

One would have to believe that we are finally nearing the bottom with our markets but every time we think the final shoe has dropped, another one drops.