The Housing Chronicles Blog: June column for Builder & Developer magazine now online

Monday, June 15, 2009

June column for Builder & Developer magazine now online

My column for the June issue of Builder & Developer magazine is now online. The subject this month is on the current state of real estate journalism, and what builder & developers can do to encourage more balanced reportage from not just traditional reporters, but also from bloggers as well.

I wrote it because I was mourning the passing of L.A. Times reporter Annette Haddad, whom I think really did want to get a story right and include all of the necessary angles. But I also wanted to impart some tips I learned from my own freelance writing experience for the Times, when getting a builder to comment for a story was akin to ordering manna from heaven. In other words, close to impossible.

Since I know it's certainly not in any company's best interest -- in any industry -- to prefer to see the the line "Company x didn't return calls for comment" published for all to see, I can only assume such reactions are due to poor communication, management or both.

You can read that column here. For the entire June issue's table of contents, click here.


Brandon said...

Cool logo (but has Snickers sued yet?).

workhard said...

yeah. i got confused with the snickers thing myself.. will go over the site again leisurely..nice blog here

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